How to self-publish your first book in one month!
Everyone's dream is to write a book, but how many actually really pursue this goal?
For a lot writing a book is just something on their to-do list that they never accomplish. Instead, today I wanna tell you that it is POSSIBLE to make this dream come true with the following simple seven steps!
1. Block 30 minutes/ 1 hour per day to write
Enough with excuses or "I don't have time". One tip to write a book is to block some time from the calendar and start writing. Use google calendar or an app to block the time to write. Each day, use the blocked time, put your phone somewhere, and simply start with your writing journey.
2. Find a neat and calming environment
Your environment is important. A tip to write well is to write in an environment that is noise-free and motivating enough to sit down for a couple of hours. Find a nice quiet place, whether it is your office, the basement, or a coffee shop to get your concentration. Make sure to have a nice cup of coffee and snacks handy.
3. Just write
When you first write a book and it is your first time, you don't need to have an outline ready. All you have to do is write whatever comes to your mind and re-organize your thoughts only after. The first step is really about getting the information out in a raw manner.
4. Don't edit or format until you are done with the draft
One mistake that many people commit is to start writing a couple of chapters and then continuously revising each chapter, each sentence, and each dot until it makes sense. This should come only as the last step rather than the first step.
Write the first draft and once you are done, then review, revise and decide how you want the book to be formatted.
5. Find a freelancer
Once you have completed the first draft and revisited it, it is time to find someone on Fiver. or any freelancing website. If it is your first time writing a book, then have someone edit it, format it, and put it together with a cover page. The book will look much more professional and nicer if it is edited and formatted by an expert.
6. The Title & Cover Page are everything
What makes a book appealing are the title and cover page. Ensure to have an attractive and catchy title that conveys the message of your book. Always hire a freelancer to do this job and ask for their opinions as well.
7. It is time to publish
Now that you are probably done with writing and editing your book, It is time to publish your book. If you want to self-publish it on amazon, you can simply create an account and upload your book with an appropriate price for both kindle and paper versions. All the instructions will be provided when you upload it on Amazon.
Now that you are done, you finally can claim yourself a self-published author. Good job!